Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Family Treasures..

Thank you to these great kids for bringing in their family treasures to share with us!

Hunter and his cute baby shoes!

Sam and his box of exciting treasures!

Magnus and his precious Bayern Munich football top!

Bailey and his special baby photos!

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Myths and Legends

Storytelling is common to every culture. Most people enjoy listening to stories. Storytellers have catered for the need for a 'good story' since the beginning of civilization. 
Most people have their own favourite story from childhood and, often, these tales are both fascinating and frightening. These stories include legends, myths and folktales.

 Check out some links to some myths and legends on the right hand side of the Blog.

What are legends? 

A legend is a semi-true story, which has been passed on from person-to-person and has important meaning or symbolism for the culture in which it originates. A legend usually includes an element of truth, or is based on historic facts, but with 'mythical qualities'. Legends usually involve heroic characters or fantastic places and often encompass the spiritual beliefs of the culture in which they originate.

What are myths?
A myth is a story based on tradition or legend, which has a deep symbolic meaning. A myth 'conveys a truth' to those who tell it and hear it, rather than necessarily recording a true event. Although some myths can be accounts of actual events, they have become transformed by symbolic meaning or shifted in time or place. Myths are often used to explain universal and local beginnings and involve supernatural beings. The great power of the meaning of these stories, to the culture in which they developed, is a major reason why they survive as long as they do - sometimes for thousands of years. 

What are folktales?

A folktale is a popular story that was passed on in spoken form, from one generation to the next. Usually the author is unknown and there are often many versions of the tale. Folktales comprise fables, fairy tales, old legends and even 'urban legends'. Again, some tales may have been based on a partial truth that has been lost or hidden over time. It is difficult to categorize folktales precisely because they fit into many categories. 

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Kiwi Kids News

Below is a link to the Kiwi Kids' News from term 2, that Rory and Magnus worked on.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Myths and Legends...

This term we are looking at Myths and Legends, starting off with legends from around the world and then moving onto New Zealand Myths and Legends.  Have you got a favourite myth or legend you can bring to school to share?  You may have one from your own culture?  We'd love to see it!

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Jump Jam

After the grandparent's concert the year 3 team got together to do some Jump Jam.

Ballet Success

Asuka and Lucy did so well in their ballet exam that they were awarded a gold medal. A gold medal was only awarded to children who achieved a really high score.

Grandparent's Concert

The year 3/4 team put on a wonderful performance to grandparents, sharing the songs they had been learning in choir during the first half of the year.

Family Treasure ...

Thank you to Mae for bringing in her family treasure.  These are some for the special treasures she has been given by her mum.  She keep them all in a special box that is very precious to her!

Making terrariums...

What a fantastic time we had making terrariums today with the help of some great mums.  We made them with the succulents that Ms Ashby gave us from her garden.  Ginny Pope very kindly provided us with the stones, moss and soil as well as some decorative items.  Well done on bringing in all the other things you need Room 16 children - they look great! Remember, succulents don't need a lot of water - only 1-2 teaspoons of water each week, or a few sprays from a water bottle.

Family Treasures...

We have had some really exciting family treasures come into our class this term.  Here are the items who came this week!
Dyllan shared a photo of her cousin who had to have serious heart surgery after being born.  She loves spending time with him!  What a lovely boy he is!

Charlotte brought in a very special clock that was her great great grandfathers.  It has a glass front that opens where you would have wound it up to make it go.  We had a discussion about roman numerals after Charlotte shared this as the clock face had roman numerals.  Can you find out the roman numbers from 1-10?

Jacob shared a very special piece of greenstone that belongs to his mum. Jacob taught us the maori word for greenstone - pounamu.  We learnt that it is a very special stone that should be gifted to people.  

3D Shapes...

We have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes.  Do you know the difference?  Ask a child from Room 16 and hopefully they can tell you!  

We made these 3D shapes using toothpicks and chick peas.  The chickpeas are the vertices and the toothpicks are the edges.  You have to imagine where the faces are! 
This was a fun way of learning about shapes!

Week 11 Certificates...

Well done to Hunter, Annabel and Caitlin for earning this week's certificates!  We are very proud of you!