Room 17
Children in Room 17's maths class regularly bring home activities to practise basic facts. These should be found in their reading folders. Five minutes practise daily makes a real difference!
Room 18
Term 4
WEEK 8 and 9
We will be focusing on 'Time' in maths for the next two weeks. New tasks have been added to studyladder on telling the time using digital and analogue clocks. The children first need to be able to tell the time using o'clock and half past. They then move onto quarter past and quarter to. If they have mastered these they will move ono telling the time in 5 minute intervals and then in minute intervals.
Check out some of the basic facts challenges on the school Maths Blog.
Use the school's maths blog and complete some of the fraction activities.
Week 4
Complete some of the new fractions tasks added to Studyladder.
Week 3
Work on the area of basic facts, from the sheet that you were given last week, that you need to improve on most - either the speed or accuracy. You could ask your parents to write down 10 sums in your home learning book and time how long it takes you to answer them or call out 10 sums for you to answer.
Week 2
Complete the basic facts sheet you have been given. The goal is to complete the 6 sections accurately in less than 5 minutes. You can always make additional copies of your sheet and try and beat your time!
Week 1
Practise your basic facts using the games on Studyladder. You can set a time limit and there are different levels of difficulty.
Term 3 Weeks 8-10 - Measurement
WEEK 8 and 9
We will be focusing on 'Time' in maths for the next two weeks. New tasks have been added to studyladder on telling the time using digital and analogue clocks. The children first need to be able to tell the time using o'clock and half past. They then move onto quarter past and quarter to. If they have mastered these they will move ono telling the time in 5 minute intervals and then in minute intervals.
Here is a grid of four
You must choose 4 different digits from 1-9 and put
one in each box. E.g.
This gives four two-digit
52, 19, 51, 29
In this case the sum is 151.
Your challenge is to find 4 different digits that give
you 4 two-digit numbers that add up to 100.
Check out some of the basic facts challenges on the school Maths Blog.
Use the school's maths blog and complete some of the fraction activities.
Week 4
Complete some of the new fractions tasks added to Studyladder.
Week 3
Work on the area of basic facts, from the sheet that you were given last week, that you need to improve on most - either the speed or accuracy. You could ask your parents to write down 10 sums in your home learning book and time how long it takes you to answer them or call out 10 sums for you to answer.
Week 2
Complete the basic facts sheet you have been given. The goal is to complete the 6 sections accurately in less than 5 minutes. You can always make additional copies of your sheet and try and beat your time!
Week 1
Practise your basic facts using the games on Studyladder. You can set a time limit and there are different levels of difficulty.
Term 3 Weeks 8-10 - Measurement
From now until the end of Term 3 the children will back in their own class for maths and we will be focusing on Measurement. This week we will be completing weight and moving onto capacity. Tasks will be added to Studyladder for all children in Room 16 and new ones will be added as we move on to different areas of measurement.
Maths Problem Solving Activity
See if you can work through these levels and solve the problems - you'll have to be thinking very carefully!

Term 3 Week 7
This will be our last week of maths interchange for the term. Next week we will move onto the topic of measurement in our own classes. The children in Room 16's maths class will be given a basic facts assessment this week and based on their results will be given a basic facts sheet to practise at home. They will then be retested on a similar sheet early in term 4. The goal is to get all the sums correct in less than 5 minutes.
Term 3 Week 6
Click on the link to have a go at the problem solving activity above.
Term 3 Week 5
We are finding that a lot of the children are great at choosing an effective strategy to solve a problem, but it is often a lack of solid basic facts knowledge that leads to errors in the calculation.
Term 3 Week 4
Keep practising your basic facts using the Studyladder games or the new downloads, which can be printed off at home.
Term 3 Week 3
Complete the basic facts sheet handed out on Monday. The goal is to initially complete each column correctly in less than 2 minutes and then try to beat your time. You will need to ask someone at home to time you whilst you complete the sheet.
Term 3 Week 2
Complete the addition tasks that have been added to Studyladder. Keep practising quick recall of basic facts in addition and subtraction where one number in the sum is unknown. E.g. 9+__=16 or 17-__=8
Term 3 Week 1
Maths Interchange starts on Tuesday. The children will be given a basic facts subtraction sheet to practise at home. The children need to work on speed, as well as accuracy where the answer is given, but one of the numbers in the sum is missing. E.g. 17-___= 9 or ___-5 = 8
Term 2 Week 11
Use the links on the Blog to access Studyladder and Maths World to practise basic facts.
Term 2 Week 10
For the next two weeks the children will be back in their own class for maths focusing on geometry. This week we will be looking at 2D and 3D shapes as well as angles.
Term 2 Week 9
Complete the Studyladder set tasks on fractions.
Term 2 Week 8
Have a go at using the link to the Maths World Website - there are lots of games you can play and points to work towards!
Click here to get to the site!
Practise the area of basic facts that you most need to improve on (speed and accuracy), from the stage 5 sheet that you brought home.
Term 2 Week 7
This week we are starting a new unit based on fractions.
Check out the tasks that have been added to Studyladder.
Term 2 Week 6
We are continuing to learn about division. Click on the picture below to play the game.
Term 2 Week 5
The children have all brought home a times table sheet with the table that they felt they needed to practise. If they whizz through the sheet they can ask us for the next one. The goal is to do one section each night and try to improve both speed and accuracy. If would be great if someone could time them, so they have a target to beat.
This week we are moving on to division, however we will continue to practise the times tables. Using their knowledge of times tables, can be a great strategy for solving division problems.
Term 2 Week 4
Have a go at this fun game that will help develop your multiplication skills this week!

Term 2 Week 3
Continue to practise your times tables. We will be doing timed times table basic facts in class.
Term 2 Week 2
Next week Room 16's maths class will be moving onto multiplication. Children usually learn the 2, 10, 5 and then 3 times tables first. After that they will learn the 4 times table and then the 6 and 9 times tables. The 7 and 8 times tables are usually learned last, as these are the trickiest.
Some times table activities have been added to Studyladder, starting with groupings and then the times tables so the children can start practising.
Term 2 Week1
Maths interchange begins on Tuesday this week.
Complete some of the basic facts tasks that were added to Studyladder during the holidays.
Some new basic facts tasks have been added to Studyladder. Some of the tasks can be completed online and you can generate the questions. Quite a few of the tasks can be printed off so that you can complete them more than once, with the goal being to improve your speed and accuracy.
Practise your basic addition and subtraction facts to 20, especially sums where one number is missing. E.g. 19 - ___ = 8. You could ask your mum or dad to call out some quick fire questions for you to answer or write down 10 sums and time how long it takes you to answer them. The goal could be to try to answer the questions quicker next time.
You can also use the Studyladder Battle Games to practise your basic facts. There are different levels to progress through and you can set a time limit to increase the speed at which you can recall them.
Have a go at playing this online game to develop your knowledge of 'place value'. Try working with numbers to 999.

New activities have also been added to Studyladder.
The children in Room 16's maths class should have brought home a yellow slip with their Studyladder username and password today.
Homework for this week is to complete the set tasks and if they have time to practise their basic facts on one of Studyladder's 'Extra Games' such as Addition or Subtraction Battle.
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