Thursday, 29 October 2015


Today we looked at how shadows are created when sunlight is blocked. We investigated what happens to our shadows at different times of the day and looked at patterns between where the sun in positioned in the sky and where our shadow falls, as well as how long it is.


As part of our Inquiry on Light we worked in small groups to brainstorm as many things as we could think of to do with light. Then we recorded each idea onto a mini hexagon. Finally we had to link our ideas together in groups and be able to justify why one idea was linked to another.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Commas Reading..

Today the Commas Reading Group read an online piece about LIZARDS after having a book on Lizards earlier in the week.  Here is the link for you to read it at home tonight!

Twenty questions...

This term in Oral Language we are focusing on asking good questions.  Each week a small group of children will bring an interesting or unique item from home to see if we can guess what it is, by asking good questions!  
This means we need to:
• listen to the questions that get asked so you don't ask the same
• asking questions that narrow down information
• making sure that we remember other helpful questions that get asked! 

Monday, 26 October 2015


Headlice is an on-going problem in many schools!  They have been present in our class recently.

Here are some helpful points to remember regarding headlice and the treatment of them.

  • head lice are small, flat insects (about 2 to 3 millimetres long) that live and lay eggs on the human scalp - the scalp provides food and warmth for the eggs to hatch
  • they are a common problem all over the world and cause concern and frustration for parents, children and young people
  • anyone can catch head lice - catching them has nothing to do with poor hygiene 
  • head lice spread by crawling from the hair of one person to another
  • they are usually spread amongst school children before spreading to their family members at home
  • if you find live head lice or eggs on your child’s scalp, treat your child and check everyone in the house
  • treatment of head lice is usually by chemical / herbal treatments, and physical methods (wet combing)
  • wet combing with conditioner and a fine tooth nit comb alone can be effective if done properly

RWC Shared Lunch...

We had a fantastic time having a shared lunch on Friday to celebrate the nations of the Rugby World Cup.  Everyone got right in behind their country to bring along a food you might eat if you lived there.   Thank you to all our wonderful parents for making this a great occasion!
Have a look at some of the yummy food that came along!

Can you guess the foods and the nation they come from?

Magic Mirrors....

Last week we visited the museum to look at the Magic Mirrors Exhibition.  It was so interesting and great to see the Room 16 children answering questions and presenting their ideas so confidently.  

Do you know what the first mirrors were?

Have a look at some of the interesting learning stations we took part in.