Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Optional Holiday Activity

Holiday Homework Challenge!

This is an OPTIONAL activity! 

We all enjoyed our trip to Orana Park so much and learnt a lot about the animals there!  During the holidays, we challenge you to present what you learnt in an INFORMATIVE poster! 

You will need to:
·      Choose an animal you would like to produce an informative poster on
·      Find some images of your animal
·      Make a list of facts you learnt about your animal – where it lives, what it eats, how it survives, the lifecycle of your animal, other interesting facts you have gathered.  You can use the links on our blog to National Geographic for Kids or Easy Science for Kids to find great facts.
·      Create a bold title for your poster
·      Arrange your title, images and information on your animal, on an A3 piece of card and then glue them in place when you are happy with the layout. 

What makes a good poster?
·      A bold, large title
·      Images or pictures of the topic
·      Excellent presentation – no spelling mistakes and neat handwriting used
·      Good use of space – make sure you haven’t squashed everything in!
·      Accurate and informative facts

Bring your poster back to school on the first day of the term.  We will look forward to sharing them and seeing what information you have found!
Good luck!

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